Howdy! šŸ‘‹

I’m Raymond, but you can call me Ray Ray or iotamega.

From a young age, I’ve been captivated by the endless possibilities of entrepreneurship. Before I even stepped into high school, I was already diving headfirst into the world of website creation, driven by an insatiable passion for technology.

It all began with a simple act of curiosity ā€“ hijacking internet access from my local library. From there, I found myself immersed in a world of tech news, book reviews, and product tinkering alongside my internet comrades. Since those early days, my journey has led me through the exhilarating landscape of startups, domains, and countless website launches.

Now, I’m here to share the wisdom gleaned from my whirlwind internet escapades. Whether through social media or right here on this site, I’m committed to unveiling the insights garnered along the way.

Stay tuned for a more comprehensive about page ā€“ it’s currently in the works, but I couldn’t resist getting this site up and running first.

Want to have a chat?

I’ve setup a booking system right here on the Bytes & Burger site where you can get on my calendar. Simply head over to the Book Meeting page and setup a time to talk.

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