Howdy 👋

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve poured my thoughts into the digital ether.

Back in the golden era of blogging, I was knee-deep in the scene. LiveJournal and Xanga were my digital playgrounds, back when they were the epitome of online cool. From before the days of SixApart’s reign to the unexpected Russian takeover, I’ve been riding the waves of digital evolution.

My journey began way back in the early 2000s on LiveJournal, a time before the social media titans took over. I fondly recall the era of Frank the Goat, LiveJournal’s quirky mascot who embodied the platform’s charm.

Back then, the internet felt like a cozy cafe, a place for personal connections. MySpace was just beginning to make its mark, and the web was a canvas for individual expression, untouched by the hands of today’s tech giants.

Websites had character, each one a unique reflection of its creator. They weren’t just data mines for corporate behemoths, mining every ounce of personal information from both creators and consumers alike.

It was the digital wild west, and I was on a journey that would span years.

I started with my own domain, dabbling in MoveableType, then TypePad, and finally settling on WordPress. But eventually, I found myself gravitating towards social media platforms like MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter (before it was X). If I had something more substantial to say, it usually ended up on a blog elsewhere – not a personal rant, but something crafted for a specific audience, tailored to a niche.

Personal musings found their home on social media, while more structured pieces landed on news or opinion sites.

As the years rolled by, the internet morphed into something entirely different from the digital landscape I grew up with. We migrated our digital existences to social media platforms, but in the process, something was lost in translation. Don’t get me wrong; the current era allows for incredible expression, especially with the advent of video. It’s a medium that enables individuals from all walks of life to showcase their uniqueness. However, amidst this technological progress, the art of crafting a truly distinctive web page seems to have faded into obscurity.

That’s precisely why I’ve painstakingly crafted this blog to evoke the essence of that bygone era. It’s not merely about nostalgia; it’s about recapturing a feeling—a feeling that those creatively designed pages, focused on textual expression, once inspired in me. There’s a certain allure in owning one’s digital space, in dictating the presentation and distribution of content. It’s about reclaiming a corner of the web that feels intimately mine—a sanctuary where I am the master of my own digital domain.

So, welcome to this new corner of the internet, where I’ll be unabashedly expressing myself and delving into topics close to my heart. It’s a space dedicated to the things that matter to me, the stuff I believe deserves a lasting place for reflection—and, of course, it wouldn’t be complete without a generous serving of hamburgers.

If you know me, you know my love for hamburgers runs deep, and that’s one thing that’s not likely to ever change.

Stay tuned for more musings coming your way soon. Until then, feel free to explore, ponder, and maybe even grab a burger yourself. Cheers!

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